Since the morning of 5 April 2018, a protest has been growing outside the the Park Census Office headquarters. This protest, led by Reekabilly singer and composer, Faramund Stinktier, has gained momentum and we at the PCO believe we must address the issues regarding the 2018 census that have been brought forth.
Since the first census of 2006-2007 (24-25 AZ), the Park Census Office has endeavoured to bring fairness and accessibility to the work involved in counting the number of Animals who call The Park their home.
The goal of any census is to provide an accurate tally and, subsequently, a full portrait of the population residing within its established boundaries. The resultant portrait from that tally must be derived from, among other attributes, the species to which each Animal belongs. The reason for this is not a sinister one. Indeed, the opposite it true, for we cannot ensure that Park citizens will benefit fully from Park life unless we are certain to which benefits each is entitled. Some of these benefits—but not all—are associated with Animals' species.
We fully understand the position on species identification that is held by Faramund Stinktier and other Animals and we will make every effort to accommodate that position. The 2018 Park Census, however, will continue to include the question regarding species and Animals are free to respond in whichever way they deem appropriate.
Monissa Lemur
Park Census Office